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Todos Santos

Todos Santos is a home to painters, sculptors, artisans and surfers. In Todos Santos, the mission Nuestra Señora del Pilar de La Paz, was founded by the Jesuit Jaime Bravo in 1723 and still stands today, but is known as Nuesta Señora del Pilar de Todos Santos.

Known for its fertile land and abundance of water, Todos Santos was the ideal place to grow sugar cane, boasting eight sugar mills in 1850 . For nearly 100 years the sweet rewards of a working community led to the building of beautiful colonial style buildings, many of which have been restored today.

Todos Santos Reservations

Todos Santos is located approximately two miles from the Pacific Ocean, making it a popular attraction for vacationers.

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Acerca de
Todos Santos

Esta encantadora población, fundada en 1733 por el padre jesuita Segismundo Taraval, mediante el establecimiento de la misión de Santa Rosa de Todos Santos, se localiza a 106 Km. al suroeste de La Paz. Se caracteriza por su excelente clima, su arquitectura colonial y la polícroma belleza de sus huertos.

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