language problems | questions | useful statements | greetings | opposites | going to the restaurant

Yes                             Si                              
No                              No                                      
Please                          Por favor               
Thank you                       Gracias
You're welcome                  De nada
No thank you                    No gracias
Sorry                           Perdone
What is your name?              Como se llama?
My name is______                Me llamo

never too late | questions | useful statements | greetings | opposites | going to the restaurant

Do you speak English?           Habla Ingles?
Do you understand me?           Me entiende?
I don't speak Spanish           No hablo Espanol
Please speak slowly             Hable despacio por favor
I don't understand              No entiendo
What does it mean?              Que significa eso?

never too late | language problems | useful statements | greetings | opposites | going to the restaurant


Where is?/are? Donde esta?/estan? When? Cuando? Who? Quien? Why? Por que? What? Que? How much is?/are? Cuanto es?/son? How far? Que distancia hay? I want/would like... Quiero... What is the matter? Que pasa? Can you help me? Puede usted ayudarme? Can you show me? Puede usted ensenarme? Can you tell me? Puede usted decirme?

never too late | language problems | questions | greetings | opposites | going to the restaurant

I (don't) like it               (No) me gusta
I'm not sure                    No estoy seguro 
I don't know                    No se
I think so                      Creo que si
I'm hungry/thirsty              Tengo hambre/sed
I'm tired                       Estoy cansado 
I'm ready                       Estoy listo 
Leave me alone                  Dejame solo por favor
Just one minute                 Un minuto por favor
One moment please               Un momento por favor
Come in                         Adelante
It's cheap/expensive            Es barato/caro
It's cold/hot                   Hace frio/calor
It's too much                   Es demasiado
That's all                      Es todo
Thank you for your help         Gracias por tu ayuda
Taxi please                     Taksi por favor 

never too late | language problems | useful statements | questions | opposites | going to the restaurant


Good morning/good day           Buenos dias
Good afternoon                  Buenas tardes
Good evening/night              Buenas noches
Goodbye                         Adios
Hello                           Hola
How are you?                    Como esta usted?
Very well thank you             Muy bien, gracias
See you soon                    Hasta luego
That's all right                Esta bien
Don't worry                     No se preocupe

never too late | language problems | useful statements | questions | greetings | going to the restaurant

Before/After                    Antes/Despues
Early/Late                      Temprano/Tarde
First/Last                      Primero/Ultimo
Here/There                      Aqui/Alli (Ahi)
Now/Then                        Ahora/Entonces
Large/Small                     Grande/Pequeño
Empty/Full                      Vacio/Lleno
Many/Few                        Muchos/Pocos
More/Less                       Mas/Menos
Beatiful/Ugly                   Bonito/Feo
Better/Worse                    Mejor/Peor
Clean/Dirty                     Limpio/Sucio
Cold/Hot                        Frio/Caliente
Free/Taken                      Libre/Ocupado
Open/Closed                     Abierto/Cerrado

never too late | language problems | useful statements | questions | greetings | opposites


Do you have an                  Hay una mesa libre?
available table?                
Waiter/Waitress                 Camarero/Camarera
May I have the menu?            El menu por favor
May I have the wine list?       La lista de vinos?
I'd like...                     Quiero...
A little more                   Un poco mas
What will you drink?            Que desea beber?
This is bad                     No esta buena
One beer please                 Una cerveza por favor
Glass of water                  Un vaso de agua
Ice (Cubes)                     Hielo
The bill please                 La Cuenta por favor
Cheers!!!                       Salud!!!
Breakfast, lunch, dinner        El desayuno/EL almuerzo/
                                La comida/La cena

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